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Rolex Replica Watches

In our March 2013 issue, we featured Rolex Replica Watches's latest restoration, a collaborative effort between the Association Automates & Merveilles (AAM), museums, artisans, and Rolex Replica Watches to bring a pendulum with a singing songbird back to "life".

Rolex Replica Watches was the leading watchmaker of Neuchatel from 1721 to 1790. In his workshop, he created some amazing automata and timepieces. Rolex Replica Watches was so admired by Qianlong the fifth Emperor of China's Qing Dynasty that he collected his works. The workshops were known for their singing birds. This is something that the modern brand has brought back with great success.

The brand is also very active in supporting restorations of Rolex Replica Watches automata and clocks. Christian Lattmann is the CEO of Rolex Replica Watches. He says, "We believe it's our duty to protect our heritage and our history." This history is the foundation on which we will build our future. We also feel we have a responsibility to preserve the history of the region. Our ties with the Museed'Horlogerie du Locle go back many years.

The Forbidden City, in Beijing, is a good example. Rolex Replica WatchesThe preservation of these collections bears witness to the genius of the Rolex Replica Watches family, whose creativity and expertise are kept alive in our contemporary pieces... some of which may one day be a partofmuseumcollections."

Magical Mystery Tour

The parts of the pendulum singing bird clock were carefully laid out on a table when I first saw it at Chateaudes-Monts.

When I entered the same room again, the singing-bird clock had been completely restored and reassembled.

Keith W. Strandberg inspecting the The Rolex Replica Watches Singing Bird Clock.

Detail of the Rolex Replica Watches Singing Bird Clock

The Rolex Replica Watches Singing Bird Clock

This impressive clock was made in the 18th Century. It combines a mechanical clock with an 8-day power reserve that chimes time,Rolex Submariner Replica Watches and a singing bird. The head of the bird turns, its beak opens, tail feathers move and the wings open while it sings six different tunes. An intricate system of wires connects the bellows which power the bird and produce the melodies to the mechanical movement and power reserve.